Loving Church – Loving Your Church

Why should you love church or love your church?

Loving Church is very important to your future.
Loving Your Church is very important to the future of your family and friends. Being in church is vital for life both now and in eternity.

In the Church beginning there were two groups, Jew and Gentile
In the present day church there are two groups, saved and unsaved.
Jesus loves us all. We are all children of God. The difference between us is that the saved are bound for heaven and eternal presence with Our Father while the unsaved are bound for a life of eternal misery in hell in the absence of their Father.

You may ask are there unsaved in the church? Absolutely there are unsaved people in every church. Though it is not our place to judge or assume whether a person in our church is saved or unsaved, Jesus taught that we must witness to all people so we all have the opportunity to have an eternal life with The Father. This is the reason why it is so important for us all to attend church and spend time together worshipping, praying, and studying God’s word as well as eating together, laughing together, sharing our lives with one another and loving each other. Church is not a building, it is a fellowship of believers who love and encourage each other. The local church should be a family of believers who have the same goal: helping each other to live life to the fullest and securing an eternal future with God in heaven.

Pastor Gerald’s sermon last Sunday, November 6, is posted onYouTube.I encourage all of you to watch this sermon and invite others to watch it. If you know someone who does not have access to watch it on line, let Pastor Gerald know and a CD of the sermon can be provided for you to give it to them or it can be mailed to them. The future of the church and your church is in all our hands. We all should be in church and working for our church. To watch on YouTube, search Bethsaida-Quinby Worship Service November 6