Sunday’s Coming!

We are looking forward to broadcasting Pastor Gerald’s message this coming Sunday, May 1, 2020. Please join us at 10:00 a.m. right after you listen to Bea Ann’s Worship music that starts at 9:30 a.m.

You Are Invited to Worship with Us

Please join Pastor Gerald for worship this Sunday, April 26, at 10:00 a.m. on Facebook Live. Don’t forget that Bea Ann will be playing worship music at 9:30 a.m. also on Facebook Live!!
To hear Bea Ann search facebook her by name, Bea Ann Nettles Holloman
To hear Pastor Gerald search Facebook for Mary Ann Lewis

April 19, 2020 – Worship

Please join Quinby UMC in worship this Sunday on Facebook Live

9:30 a.m. for Worship Music furnished by Mrs. Bea Ann Holloman

10:00 a.m. for this week’s message with Pastor Gerald Truluck.

If you experience difficulty, search Mary Ann Lewis’ facebook timeline.

Happy Easter! HE IS Risen!

Please join Pastor Truluck for his uplifting Easter Sunday message to us all. He will be on Facebook Live at 10:00 AM. Also, please tune in to Facebook Live at 9:30 for Worship music with Mrs. Bea Ann. Thank you all for joining us during the past weeks. God Bless you all.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our Prayer Shawl ministry is going on in spite of the isolation mandates. If anyone knows of a person who is in need of our prayers and a prayer shawls, Mrs. Carolyn is still knitting them, and Pastor Truluck and his staff who are providing the weekly live messages will pray over the shawls and get them sent to those in need. We need the name and address of the persons. You call Pastor Truluck with the information or send an instant message to our website.

Palm Sunday Service

April 5 is Palm Sunday.

Please join Pastor Truluck for his message this Sunday morning at 10:00 am

He will be bringing the message on Facebook Live. If you have not joined us before, search for Mary Ann Lewis’s facebook page. If you cannot join us at that time, the message will be posted on the Quinby United Methodist Church page as well as on the Quinby United Methodist Church Group page.

You can read the Bible story of Palm Sunday in the Gospel of Matthew 21:1-11

“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Online Worship Service

Are you missing your regular worship service since public gatherings are postponed due to the Coronavirus?

You are invited to an online worship!

Pastor Gerald Truluck will bring a live message this Sunday morning at 10:00 am please join us on Facebook Live

Announcement from Pastor Truluck

A message from Pastor Truluck:
In accordance with the latest guidelines for CoronaVirus safety issued by President Trump today (3-16-2020); There will be no worship services or Wednesday prayer services this week and continuing until the restrictions are lifted.

Since no hospital or nursing home visits can be made at this time, please be in prayer for all our shut-ins.

Please call Pastor Truluck in the event of any new situations or happenings. Also, call him if you have a need that he or someone else from the church can give assistance. If you know anyone who does not have access to this announcement, please call them so everyone can stay informed.

Please take all precautions necessary to stay safe and healthy.
God’s Blessings